Play. explore. learn.

A safe and joyful place for your lovely children


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• Fosters children's love of learning & natural ability to absorb varied environments
• Each child learns at his or her own pace & has complete freedom to learn what he/she wants, which makes learning fun
• Teaches independence from an early age
• Children learn best in different ways, and the equipment is designed for this
• Children are encouraged to respect and help each other


Our mission is to help the child learn “How to learn” by providing a stimulating, child-oriented environment that children can explore, touch, and learn without fear. We respect children’s individuality & work towards developing the “whole child“, not just one aspect of his intellect.


Peace Has been conceptulised in 2009 and has been running in mumbai till 2021. We have now shifted to Goa in 2023.


• Fosters children's love of learning & natural ability to absorb varied environments
• Each child learns at their own pace and has complete freedom to learn what they want, which makes learning fun
• Teaches independence from an early age
• Children learn best in different ways, and the equipment is designed for this
• Children are encouraged to respect and help each other


Our mission is to help the child learn “How to Learn” by providing a stimulating, child-oriented environment that children can explore, touch, and learn without fear. We respect children’s individuality & work towards developing the “whole child“, not just one aspect of their intellect


  • Empathy
  • Observation
  • Creativity
  • Resilience

About us

We are here to help parents
raise happy and healthy children

      • We are an educational institute that acknowledges and nurtures an innate strive for excellence.
      • Accepting every unique child, Peace Montessori offers environments that empower children with the capacity to shape their own lives.
      • We strive towards making the child independent in thoughts, words, and actions.
      • They are encouraged to achieve their unlimited potential. At Peace, children are free to explore their environment and fall in love with learning.
      • We collaborate with the child in this journey of becoming a self-sustained individual.
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Day care Options

Our Programmes

Duration: Monday - Friday
Timings: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Parent - Toddler

Every Monday - Wednesday and Friday
Age - 10 months to 16 months
Time - variable

Toddler Program

Mon - Friday
Age - 14 months to 3 years
Time - 09.30 am - 12.30 pm

Casa or Primary Environment

Mon - Friday
Age - 3 years - 6 years
Time - 09.30 am - 2.30 pm

Day care
Why us

The best early learning experience

At Peace, we believe in helping children become independent learners. Working within mixed-age groups, they learn important social skills and cultivate empathy. They have the freedom to explore their environment, work with and learn from particular materials for as long as they wish. They choose how long to engage with an activity and their process of concentration is never disturbed - the value of which was considered sacred by Dr. Maria Montessori. Activities are introduced in progression and with each child's individual style of learning and pace in mind. They are encouraged to repeat the activity and interpret its outcomes themselves. The adults in their learning environment do not correct any 'mistakes', rather, by repetition, budding problem solving skills and perseverance, the child is able to figure it out on their own, all while developing language and number literacy because of the materials. Instead of being praised simply for a particular outcome, the child's effort is acknowledged by the adult so that they may feel ownership, and so, be mindful of their actions. They are treated with respect as they slowly build the foundations of adults that will shape the future of the world.


"It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.”

– Author Unknown


"To acquire knowledge one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe"

- Marilyn vos Savant


“Creativity is intelligence having fun.”

– Albert Einstein


"Persistence and resilience only come from having been given the chance to work through difficult problems."

- Gever Tulley

My vision of the future is no longer people taking exams and proceeding then on that certification . . . but of Individuals passing from one stage of independence to a higher [one], by means of their own activity through their own effort of will, which constitutes the inner evolution of the individual.

Maria Montessori

Famous Montessorians

  • Vikram Sarabhai (Father of Indian space programme)
  • Jeff Bezos, founder of
  • Prince William and Prince Harry
  • Taylor Swift, Grammy Award-winning musician
  • Beyonce Knowles, Singer, Grammy Award-winning musician



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More than just a joyful place

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